e-book review
From time to time, you will have the opportunity to read reviews by various authors who fit the themes for the preparedness communities. Today we picked the popular e-book: The Rule of 20: Survival Guide. It's basically an emergency preparedness kit in written form.
I know there are many naysayers who think, "I can find all this information on the internet if I search for it." That is true. I am sure you could find this information, but it would take you days, maybe even months to build a coherent stockpile of knowledge, print it all off (because we SHOULD have hard copies of everything for those times the electricity fails and you've yet to implement your solar power scheme). So in an effort to save you time - we have this ebook.
What is The Rule of 20: Survival Guide? It's a step-by-step plan laid out for the individual who needs just little bit more information or doesn't know where to start. This would be a great gift to give to someone who is interested in self-reliance, but is overwhelmed by the amount of information available to them.
If you were like me, I "woke up" so to speak about a year ago. I watched that NatGeo show "Doomsday Preppers" and realized that while some of the people were a bit crazy, there was a validity to what they were preaching. So I began to research how to make my family more self-reliant. Not survivalist - I have no desire to camp out in the wood and forage for berries, at least I hope things won't lead to that.
The mindset of The Rule of 20: Survival Guide helps to develop the mindset of self-reliance. Not to depend on your local government or FEMA to bail you out, but to provide for your self and your family and friends. This guide is for urban survival and very realistic scenarios. Basically everything in the book is something you could implement in real life, very simple but necessary steps.
This ebook is not a particularly advanced course. It's written for the every day average person who has maybe three days worth of food in their pantry, but that's about it. This is a ground zero guide. If you have been prepping for a long time, chances are you already know what is in this guide. This is a perfect gift for a newbie or for someone who is very overwhelmed in their research.
The old adage "Knowledge is Power" is important to remember with every ebook or printed book you purchase. To me, I like having as much knowledge in my back pocket as possible. I read constantly. I purchase ebooks for family and friends to read - as most won't read detailed books like I do.
I would highly suggest this ebook to add to your preparedness library. For more information on the book, CLICK HERE.
PS: Remember, I try to only suggest survival guides and courses that have money-back guarantees, so that my readers are protected if they aren’t satisfied with the quality of information found in the course.
The Rule of 20: Survival Guide has one of the strongest guarantees that we have seen – your purchase is protected by a full 60 days money back guarantee – no questions asked.
PPS: If there are any books (ebook/print) you are interested in and would like us to review, leave a comment and we'll add them to our list to review for you!
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